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1. No one will be allowed on property for 14 days since the date that they returned from traveling as designated by the CDC policies, or if they live with someone who has traveled. Everyone will be screened for travel. 2. If any person who comes on property tests positive for COVID 19, they must inform Strides and the program will be shut down immediately for 14 days, possibly longer. Anyone who was on site at the time of possible exposure will be contacted immediately. 3. If any person who comes on property is exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 the program will be shut down immediately for 14 days and possibly longer. Anyone who was on site at the time of possible indirect exposure will be contacted immediately. 4. No one with signs or symptoms should come to the facility. Instructors will do a verbal health check with riders and volunteers in their sessions at the beginning of every session screening for: signs, symptoms, travel, and exposure. Documentation will be recorded on the Health Check Form. Temperature checks may be taken. 5. Upon arrival and when leaving Strides, everyone will wash their hands at a hand washing and/or hand sanitizing station following CDC guidelines. 6. All persons will be required to wear a face mask while on property and maintain 6 feet social distancing as much as possible. 7. Numbers of volunteers, participants, and guests will be limited at any one time. 8. Horses will not be receiving treats from participants at this time and we ask that everyone please refrain from petting the cats.

Participant Screening and Stages of Return
1. A customized Risk Benefit Assessment will be completed for each rider prior to acceptance into a session. This form will be signed by the family and the Executive Director. 2. Stage 1: During this stage, no rider requiring a side walker in any form, rider who needs assistance mounting or dismounting, other than a safety spotter, will be able to participate in riding due to the close proximity of the participant to volunteers for an extended period. The reasoning for this policy is that volunteers would be at an angle in front, below and very near the riders for an extended period of time. Other unmounted programs that need minimal volunteer support may be started with following hand washing, social distancing guidelines and wearing masks by participants. 3. Stage 2: Based on CDC and County Guidelines on when Stage 2 can occur, riders that need minimal assistance mounting/dismounting and only need a spotter or side walker and horse leader with no more than an ankle or calf hold involved may return. Riders requiring thigh hold and more than one side walker will not be able to participate at that time. Horses & Heroes may return with participants wearing masks and minimal volunteer interaction. 4. Stage 3: Based on CDC and County Guidelines on when Stage 3 can occur, riders that require full assistance to mount/dismount and need thigh holds and/or greater assistance, along with wheelchair mounts may return. 5. Stage occurrence will be based on CDC and County Guidelines and at the discretion of the Strides Board of Directors with a minimum of two weeks. Family members of the same household of a rider that choose to volunteer for said riders lessons may request to be re-evaluated by the Executive Director for acceptance to begin lessons prior to their determined stage.

Family/Participant Procedures
1. Families should bring only one person needed to care for the participant to help limit the number of people on site. 2. All family members and participants will need to wear masks while on property and wash and/or sanitize hands before entering and when leaving the property. Additional hand washing and/or sanitizing and limiting touching of surfaces is recommended. 3. Riders will be encouraged to have their own helmets. Must be ASTM/SEI Riding helmets, no bike helmets allowed. If purchase is not possible, riders must bring 2 bandanas to cover their head and chin while wearing our helmets. 4. Families can go to the family waiting area for seating which will be designated into 2 separate areas to help in maintaining social distancing. The rest of the property will be off limits at this time. Strides is trying to limit contact points throughout the property. 5. Riders must return immediately to their families upon dismount. Riders will be dismounted and exited one at a time. 6. Families will be asked to leave promptly after class to allow for disinfecting and to limit the number of people on site. Session times may be changed to prevent overlapping students. No feeding horses treats at this time.

Programming Procedures
1. In Stage 1: There will be a maximum of 2 riders, and 2 horse handlers per class. 2. There will be set activity bins using easily washed objects. 3. Changes of tack will be kept to the minimum. 4. The tack room will be restricted access to staff and horse handlers only. 5. Horses that are used in class will be bathed after classes. 6. Tack: All cleaning will follow to our best ability CDC Guidelines. 7. Grooming items: Will be sprayed with disinfectant solution at the end of each day. 8. Reins: Rubber reins will be sprayed with disinfectant between riders and wiped dry. Leather will be sanitized with leather saddles. 9. Saddles and leather girths: Will be washed with a warm towel heated to 140F degrees and allowed to dry between riders. 10. Saddle pads and fabric girths: Will be sprayed with disinfectant and then allowed to dry at the end of the day. 11. Lead ropes and halters: Will be sprayed with disinfectant and then allowed to dry at the end of the day. 12. Horse leaders will be responsible for cleaning tack for assigned horse(s). Tack will not be placed back into the tack room until cleaned. 13. Contact points such as door lock, ramp rail, and any seating will be cleaned and/or disinfected as often as possible, a minimum of twice per day. 14. There will be signs throughout the property reminding about hand washing, social distancing,etc. 15. Disinfectants will follow the CDC recommendations. 16. Hand Washing or Hand Sanitizer stations will also be available throughout the property.

I understand and will adhere to these policies to prevent disease contamination in partnership with Strides.


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