Executive Director
Cyndie Planck
Cyndie comes to us with a background within the corporate world since 2011, having been a small business owner herself as well as having a background within the professional horse world since 1985. She has owned, trained, given lessons and shown horses since 1978 and has held many management positions at prestigious equine facilities throughout the years. She is proud to be serving Strides now and a new part of the Tri-Cities, WA community.

Event and Partnership Coordinator
Sydney Hoeft
Photo and Bio coming soon

Volunteer Coordinator
Lesley Coffey
Lesley is a dedicated mother of two, who is family orientated with a passion for helping others. She became the Volunteer Coordinator at Strides after her daughter expressed an interest in horseback riding lessons. As an avid animal lover, Lesley was immediately hooked, and volunteering for the organization became a family affair in the Coffey household. Lesley has a natural passion for helping others and participates in events across the Tri-Cities donating her wonderful baked goods and meals, often made from scratch.
When Lesley isn't volunteering at Strides or cooking away in the kitchen, she maintains a full-time position as a health care administrator. A field she has been in for over 12 years.

Client Coordinator
Adrianna Hoskins
bio coming soon

Riding Instructor
Dallas Zieske
Dallas he has handled, ridden and been around horses all of her life. She is new to Strides, but not new to horses and has a great knowledge base as she continues to learn and pass that knowledge on to our clients.
She is "owned" by her paint mare, Tundra, and can be found running through the local orchards and trail riding.
Dallas loves working with people and is enjoying learning and mastering the position of riding instructor at Strides. She aspires to complete her PATH Int'l certification as she continues to grow and support us, and is very excited to see what this year brings.

Feeding Coordinator
Jennifer Weyand
Jennifer has been in Healthcare for the past 24 years and has a passion to help people. She is also an avid animal lover! She brings her passion for people and animals with her and we love working with her.
She resides in West Pasco with her husband Daniel, who is also a volunteer, and their three rescue dogs. She found her way to Strides years ago through her step-daughter, Hannah who also volunteered while in High School. Hannah has moved into adulthood, but Jennifer continues to be a huge part of our team. She currently also sits on the Board of Directors and we appreciate her so very much.

Adoption Coordinator
Kristin Perez
Kristin is an Air Force veteran and a stay-at-home mom of 4 children & numerous animals. She home schools her youngest, Natalynn; they both love horses and found Strides as a way to learn about and interact with horses together. Kristin and her daughter Natalynn can be seen around Strides helping with a little bit of everything these days - from adoption care and feeding, to lesson help and donation campaigns. Kristin and "Natty" are quick to assist and jump in to care for our horses that are lacking adopters while placing them with new ones. Kristin is the person you will go to for help or advice, scheduling and general knowledge for our horse care and adoption projects!